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On Thursday, October 3rd the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a judgement in the case of a mortgage indexed to the Swiss franc. The Tribunal pointed out, that the borrowers were charged with the whole costs related to the difference between the currency purchase rate used to unlock the funds and the currency sale[…]

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Renting of a premises by an athlete   According to the individual tax interpretation issued by the Director of the National Tax Information an athlete who, in order to represent his club, rents a property outside his place of residence, is not entitled to reduce the revenue for rental costs if he has not been conducting a business activity.[…]

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From the beginning of the year 2018 in Polish law there is a very interesting tax relief connected with  research and development (R&D) acts. Thanks to the relief, companies are allowed to deduct from  the tax base the sum of costs related to getting an income borne on research and development acts. The definition of R&D[…]

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The Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) in the recent judgement confirms that professional football players can provide their services for the football clubs using business activities, thanks to which it is possible to choose flat taxation, the amount of which in Poland is 19%. The players who conclude their professional contracts not within business activity are[…]

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In connection to the new regulations concerning personal data coming into force, a lot of entities are obliged to create adequate standards according to European Union’s law. So-called “RODO”, which means “GDPR” – General Data Protection Regulation, imposes an obligation of implementing new provisions concerning personal data by almost every single business entity, which collects and[…]

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New ways of recovering overpayments in instalments of bank loans indexed in foreign currencies are becoming more and more popular among credit borrowers. The overpayments occur due to unfair conversion clauses that enable the banks to shape unilaterally at their discretion the amount of due credit principal, which consequently leads to debtors having to pay[…]

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